The CE rated Hitch Climber System by Teufelberger is now available from Treetools. This is the official Treemagineers version and utilizes Teufelberger's 8mm Ocean Polyester hitch cord to complete the package. The 900mm Ocean Polyester prussik has tight-eyes at each end (factory spliced and stitched) and is designed to work seamlessly with the Ultra O's.
Previously, individual elements like the DMM Hitch Climber and the DMM Ultra Os could be purchased separately and many New Zealand climbers used a Donahys Armor-Prusprussik as an alternative to Ocean Polyester. While Armor-Prus meets ITCC climbing comp rules it is not rated to CE standards so cannot form part of the certified system. Individual items can still be purchased separately but it is more economic to buy the complete package.