Thoughtplanter Mark Roberts, with help from Brian French (Treeverse) and Treemagineer Mark Bridge presented their thoughts on SRT at the Climbers Corner in Portland today. Here's the notes from Mark Roberts:
"Brian and I talked about cam-based ascent/access devices and how work should not be undertaken while on them.
We also discussed testing the anchor point by double-loading it (x2 people) before beginning the ascent.
The different working properties of access and work positioning lines were also covered, the general consensus being; if you are using cam’ed ascenders only use access lines of kermantle or double braid construction.
The Unicender and Rope-Wrench were mentioned as devices - and although they are not tested and approved – the do have the ability to be used in both ascent and work positioning, and could simplify the rescue process (in the event of…).
The Yale lines used in the demonstration will be sold off with all the coin going to the Scott Forrest Legends Foundation.
Hats off to Mark Bridge for fronting at this controversial session - as head of the ITCC TAC he has come under considerable pressure regarding SRT over the last few months, so it would have been very easy for him to decline Mark Roberts invite to be on stage.
An important point to note following the Climbers Corner session is the (now) recognized difference between SRT Ascent and SRT Work Positioning. Single line climbing devices are different and the ropes employed are different - Ascent and Work Positioning are two very important definitions we all need to be aware of as the SRT debate moves forward.