If you have been waiting for the official results from Saturday's Waikato/BoP TCC they are now available for download from the tree climbing section on the NZAA website - thanks to official score keep Neal Harding.
If you are a visiting climber (guest) to the Waikato/BoP region, scroll right to the bottom of the page and you'll find the PDF listing the FULL RESULTS including the scores for 'guest' climbers.
The TCC scoring process can be quite complicated, particularly for out-of-towners, so if you don't understand the results talk with Neal. He can be contacted at the following address: neal@eltlaw.co.nz
Out-of-towner, Adam Holland, all the way from Christchurch to compete in the Waikato/BoP TCC - good on ya Adam, that's commitment to the sport of tree climbing!