Hackfalls Arboretum Arborcamp and Working Bee is on again this year, over the weekend of 24-25 November. Last years inaugural event attracted arborists and their families from all over the North Island.
Arborcamp organizers Mark Randall (ArborCare Gisborne) and Rossy Ross Pro Climb and The Scott Forrest (Legends Foundation) tell us the format for the weekend will follow last years successful formula.
There is plenty of varied work to be undertaken at the arboretum; pruning, dead wooding and dismantling. As is typical of these arborcamps there is plenty of time for idea sharing and experimenting with different systems; rigging and climbing.
Basic camping facilities are available or, for the less-hardy, you can take a bunk in the shearers quarters. It's a self catering affair with a social BBQ on Saturday night. This is a family weekend so bring along the kids and your kayak if you have one; there's a sizable 'lake' to keep the kids occupied.
Hackfalls Arboretum is a sheep and cattle station so no dogs allowed. This should be a great weekend and well worth the drive to Gisborne (for those arborists out-of-region).